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Hibernation in a Bear Market
There is no doubt that the past few weeks have changed many things, some would argue most things. How we work, communicate, associate and live our daily lives. It also is clear then Covid-19 will have long lasting effects on most aspects of our lives not least the future of the markets and their behaviours.
Runprofits was originally intended as a resource for short to medium term traders and investors using swing and position trading styles. But market conditions have changed so radically that this deep bear market means runprofits in its current form is not fit for these conditions. Damage to sentiment will likely be long term and there will be fewer retail market participants.
As such the plans to promote and grow the site have had to be curbed.
As the world has now changed, runprofits will hibernate
Having traded just after the last crash in 2008 I know how to handle the volatility and recognise the many opportunities these conditions bring. But to capitalize on these requires huge focus and mental bandwidth: not the relaxed styles of swing and position trading.
I do intend to keep a blog under the address but won't be committing to the effort, discipline and resources needed to run services like the current offerings. I do remain passionate about the notion of using visual tools to make trading easier but will revisit in the future.
I will still send out the odd email so unless you unsubscribe you will be hearing from me.
I am always happy to hear feedback and wish you all luck and good health in the times ahead.
Dollar Swaps Ease Liquidity: Futures Up Sharply : Oil at $31 :VIX at 68
The US Fed increased its dollar swap line with many of the world's central banks to ease the growing liquidity crisis as the greenback has becomes the safe haven of choice. This has eased the pressure on gold and oil and helped the VIX move back to 68 from yesterday's 75. It remains elevated and volatility will continue for the foreseeable.
GBP has recovered some ground up 2.5% at pixel to $1.17.
We are likely to see a sharp bear market rally - potentially over the next few days as the extraordinary measures from countries and central banks around the work start to kick-in . This will take us from deeply oversold. Given the prevailing macro and uncertainty , it is likely that this rally won't last unless there is a marked improvement in the COVID-19 uncertainty. Bear market rallies tend to be fast, furious and then fizzle out