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 Pre Market Sentiment and Charts Influencing UK Markets 06:30 (3 mins read)

FTSE Futures showing -60 on cash close despite Brent's move to $124

US close in red with energy in green though not reflecting spike in oil prices: DOW Transports -3.8%

Sentiment - VIX increased slightly to 24

OIl  touched $124 but looking stretched


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Market Dashboard


US Stockmap Close

Gold Chart

DXY Chart

Brent Oil Chart

Copper Chart

Pre Market RNS

RNS Highlights Pre Market EKF B/O From Base

EKF breout out form a long basing yesterday with good volume : has positive new today which may assist





Daily Shares in Focus

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Price quotes delayed by 15 minutes or more, see update timestamp for details. Refresh page to force update
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RNS Analysis and Opening Price Action

RNS Report is published at 07:15 each day (approximately) and may be updated during the day to reflect the total RNS newsflow for that day : timestamp on the report indicates the latest update

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