Home » New Musings » Market Musings Wed 11 Nov 20: AM Oil Short Squeeze Ideas

Market Musings Wed 11 Nov 20: AM Oil Short Squeeze Ideas

AM Update: Oil Breaks $45 and Oilers Respond

13:00 Update: PMO has rallied 30% since this was posted


As oil continues to rally, many of the oilers are showing signs of life after a few months in the doldrums with many making multi year and all-time lows in recent weeks.

Heavy short interest in a number of names will likely accelerate some of the price action

Today's potential Short squeezers include TLW, PFC and PMO


TLW: [stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" assets="TLW.L" markup="{name} ({symbol}) {price} ({change_pct}){last_update}" style="font-size:x-small" api="yf"]

PMO: [stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" assets="PMO.L" markup="{name} ({symbol}) {price} ({change_pct}){last_update}" style="font-size:x-small" api="yf"]

PFC: [stock_market_widget type="inline" template="generic" assets="PFC.L" markup="{name} ({symbol}) {price} ({change_pct}){last_update}" style="font-size:x-small" api="yf"]


PMO up 30%  from 0900 breakout on high volume

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RPG Short Squeezes Based on Opening Gaps

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Short Squeeze Ideas based on Recent Price Momentum and Short Interest


see Page 18 of RP Scanner - Short Trading Ideas for more details and  your own analysis

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Financial trader, technical analyst, author and blogger. Trading full time for 13 years.
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